In 2019 Heritage Insight was engaged by South East Water to prepare a Cultural Heritage Management Plan for construction of a sewer rising main along the Ranelagh Beach foreshore.
The project involved extensive consultation with the Bunurong Registered Aboriginal Party due to the highly sensitive nature of the landforms within the activity area.
Intact shell midden was identified during the sub-surface testing program for the CHMP and this resulted in a major monitoring program, conducted in 2020, that recovered in excess of 500 kilograms of midden material. During the salvage a series of shell and charcoal samples were collected and sent for chronological dating, with these dates suggesting that the Ranelagh Beach area was likely continually occupied for 900 years before the arrival of Europeans.
Such a large assemblage of cultural material presented an opportunity to think creatively when it came time to conduct the analysis of the excavated midden material. With the support of South East Water a collaboration between Heritage Insight and La Trobe University was developed which allowed the La Trobe Archaeology Research Partnerships team, headed by Dr Rebekah Kurpiel, to create an training opportunity for La Trobe interns and Bunurong representatives to sort and analyse the midden material. This program commenced in 2022 with the final report received from the La Trobe team in February 2023. These results are currently being incorporated into the final report prepared by Heritage Insight, and we are looking forward to continuing our partnership with La Trobe, the Bunurong Land Council and South East Water to present some of these exciting findings in 2023.