
Bannockburn South East Precinct Structure Plan – Historic Heritage Assessment

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In 2021 Heritage Insight was commissioned by the Victorian Planning Authority to undertake an Historical Heritage Assessment for the Bannockburn South East Precinct Structure Plan.

This assessment was commissioned in order to identify historic (non-Aboriginal) cultural heritage located within the precinct and will be used to inform the planned future land-use of the area, including new neighbourhoods, retail centre, community facilities, roadways and infrastructure. The study area for the project is in excess of 520 hectares.

The HHA included desktop historic research, a review of applicable heritage listings and statutory protections, and a field survey to record the location and conditions of extant historic structures and areas of archaeological potential. The resulting report included a series of recommendations and conditions designed to assist the VPA with forward planning for the precinct. In 2022, Heritage Insight were engaged by the VPA to assess additional areas of land associated with access corridors for the PSP. The additional commissioned works included the assessment of a historic homestead and the subsequent preparation of an archaeological site card for submission to heritage Victoria.

Aboriginal Heritage Services provided

Heritage Assessments

Historic Heritage
Services provided

Heritage Assessments